Wednesday, March 8, 2017


After more than 1 year in this new office, management suddenly tell me to shift into a room of my own. Very very very weird that after this 1 year, I am in a room by myself with no one to talk to. I still can remember vividly on the 1st day I came to this office, I felt like a newbie. And 1 year had just passed so quickly.

In this 1 year, the most important I had learnt is to open and embrace the change with open arms. I had made a bunch of new friends / colleagues. Perhaps I really do not like to lead a team, perhaps I prefer to follow, a lot of "perhaps" were in my mind when I came in but I had just learnt to take it and accept it gracefully.

Life is a mystery and you do not know what's in store for you.

So I guess for now, I will just sit back and learn as much as I can before more job responsibilities come along.